History of ephesians book

This summary of the book of ephesians provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of ephesians. Ephesus boasted international trade, a thriving silversmith guild, and a theater that seated 20,000 people. Paul having preached for a considerable length of time at ephesus, the history is confirmed by the two epistles to the corinthians, and by the two epistles to timothy. These important questions are answered in the book of ephesians. Praise for spiritual blessings in christ praise be to the god and father of our lord jesus christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in christ. According to greek mythology, the ancient city of ephesus was established by greeks in 11 century b. Ephesians 1 paul, an apostle of christ jesus by the. As we continue in our faith from day to day, month to month, and year to year, the temptation to get comfortable will always exist. F or a relatively short letter, ephesians has more than its share of passages that individual christians have turned to for spiritual inspiration, and various faith traditions have adopted for doctrinal support throughout the centuries. You will also learn about how we are members of one body in this second. Greeting paul, an apostle of christ jesus by the will of god, to the saints who are in ephesus, and are faithful in christ jesus.

Ephesians 4 niv bible as a prisoner for the lord, then, i. The book of ephesians is a masterpiece of revelation that bridges the principles of grace and obedience into one solid irremovable form. Ephesus was founded as an atticionian colony in the 10th century bc on a hill now known as the ayasuluk hill, three kilometers 1. Paul had passed two whole years at ephesus, acts 19. Also known as the epistle to the ephesians, it is one of the prison epistles which the apostle paul wrote around 6062 a. Ephesians was written by paul when imprisoned in rome. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. This instructional letter is packed with practical advice, all given in an encouraging tone. During his third missionary journey in 5556 ad, he wrote corinthians, galatians and romans which all clearly defined the meaning and purpose of the cross. Katherine and pang, thm, david aug 25, 2019 paperback. For the next several fridays we will be going through this book one chapter at a time.

Comprised of jews and nonjews, these followers form the covenant family god promised to abraham. The book of ephesians was written to gods holy people in ephesus ephesians 1. The below chart will help underline and point out these similarities. Ephesians our blessings in christ importance this epistle was evidently addressed to the church in ephesus cf. Ephesians bible book with full chapters king james version. All tradition takes the epistle as being pauline until it was first disputed by erasmus fifteenth century and by later eighteenthtwentieth century critics. Ephesians, written around the same time as pauls epistle to the colossians, remains an important piece of historical evidence that also preserves some important doctrinal concepts. This map reveals the roman empire during the time shortly after the birth of jesus, in 14 ad at the time of the death of augustus. Highly recommend to get a much better understanding of ephesians. Ephesians bible study book includes smallgroup experiences for six sessions, weekly individual study opportunities, applicable scripture, how to use this study, and tips for leading a group.

Glad i had an opportunity to read even if it was for a class. Ephesians intro to ephesians biblica the international bible. However, paul presented the gift of god in christ and the benefits we. Its authorship has traditionally been attributed to paul the apostle but starting in 1792, this has been challenged as deuteropauline, that is, written in pauls name by a later author strongly influenced by pauls thought, probably by a loyal. Most early writers spoke of the epistle as having been addressed to the ephesians.

Early sources in church history that attribute this letter to paul include. He asked the oracles in delphi where and how he could find a new settlement for greeks. Feb 07, 2015 the book of ephesians was written to gods holy people in ephesus ephesians 1. The church, therefore, is not a simple social construct in the hands of sinners skilled with organizational savvy and robust. God is forming the body of christ, that he might fill them to walk in works of love and to stand firm in christs victory. This is well done enough book to use for a seminary class, but practical enough and engaging enough to use for a bible study. Ephesians chapters wonderfully expound the gospel while ephesians chapters 46 provide a clear picture of how those doctrines change our lives. An introduction to the book of ephesians related media.

An application bible study in the book of ephesians living anew in christ by pang, phd, thm, dr. Although ephesians is one of the new testaments shortest books in terms of word countonly 6 chapters and 155 versesit is perhaps the most applicable to todays culture. During this time he also wrote colossians and philemon. The city of ephesus was a large commercial port city in asia minor present day turkey located at. The book of ephesians hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviors, designed to ensure believers are living up to our heavenly calling. Spiritual blessings in christ blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus. The epistle to the ephesians, also called the letter to the ephesians and often shortened to ephesians, is the tenth book of the new.

It was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of christ and to serve in unity and love in the midst of persecution. Clicking on a chapter will show you the text of that chapter of ephesians in the bible king james version. Intro to ephesians biblica the international bible society. Waymentapart from a few memorable phrases, the epistle to the ephesians often passes by our attention without significant notice or comment. Ephesus was an ancient port city whose wellpreserved ruins are in.

Geographical background the city was situated on the western coast of asia minor at the mouth of the cayster river, one of the four major eastwest valleys that ended in the aegean sea. Verse 12 paul has been speaking about the great plan of god in history. Ephesians also contains two of the most memorable passages in the new testament. Paul wrote that salvation can be attained by the grace of god and that it is through faith alone not by any other way, not. Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. The epistle to the ephesians introduction author the apostle paul 1. The book of ephesians is a prison epistle letter written while in prison. The answer of oracles was very interesting and simple. Ephesians 1 is the first chapter of the epistle to the ephesians in the new testament of the christian bible.

Let us consider, then, the characteristics of the book of ephesians. The book of ephesians tells how the gospel affects our. Commentary on the book of ephesians by matthew henry new. Some have argued that paul wrote colossians from ephesus or caesarea, but most of the evidence favors rome as the place where paul penned all the prison letters ephesians, colossians, philippians and philemon. The mythical founder of the city was a prince of athens named androklos, who had to leave his country after the death of his father, king kodros. Verse 11 this was the plan that god had in the beginning. Book of ephesians chapter two in ephesians chapter 2 we learn that christians are saved by grace. But without the references to the whole armour of god and the foundation of the church being built upon the apostles. First, god has reconciled individuals to himself as an act of grace 2. Emperor nero came to power very shortly thereafter, in ad 64, and he was one of the most horrific persecutors of christians ever in all of history.

Grace and peace to you from god our father and the lord jesus christ. To head up all things in christ 1 to head up all things in christ 2 to head up all things in. Shaul shaaool, by gods will an emissary of the messiah yeshua. Unlike several of the other letters paul wrote, ephesians does not address any particular error or heresy. It will take about twenty minutes to read the whole thing out loud. It was written around 60ad during pauls house arrest in rome. His ministry may have appeared to have been hindered. All three letters were sent with tychicus and onesimus. The grandeur of the ancient city of ephesus stands as a stark contrast to this rather small epistle. Paul names himself as the author of the epistle to the ephesians ephesians 1. This time ive selected the amazing book of ephesians.

Greek was the common dialect of the roman world, spread originally by alexander the great. The book of ephesians concerns what god is doing in redemptive history by making the church. Paul spent more time there than any other city about three years. Dec 23, 2015 the ephesians were the residents of ephesus to which paul visited and wrote the book of ephesians too in the form of a letter to the church while in prison in rome. While paul was in prison he had been thinking about his work as an apostle. But in this verse, paul explains what this means to christians now.

His character and perhaps even his teaching seem to have been questioned by some, as a result of his imprisonment philippians 1. The church of jesus christ is now the spiritual body of believers who represent christ on earth. Second, god has reconciled these saved individuals to each other, christ having broken down the barriers through his own death 2. Ephesus was the church at its best, the church at the highest spiritual level. Gods people living in ephesus, that is, those who are trusting in the messiah yeshua. The purpose of the book of ephesians was to warn the church elders about the false teachers that were teaching a false gospel and to maintain their first love that they held when they first became believers. The book of ephesians clearly leaves its mark among other bible books by displaying the powerful impact of the gospel of christ jesus in the individual and.

Ephesians niv paul, an apostle of christ jesus by the. Paul, an apostle of christ jesus by the will of god, to gods holy people in ephesus, the faithful in christ jesus. The key personalities of ephesians are the apostle paul and tychicus. God the father planned throughout history for jesus to create a multiethnic community of followers. E phesians is one of the most encouraging books in the new testament.

While he already does a great job with the history and meaning, i think he has nailed it with bridging context and contemporary significance sections. In the book of acts, the history of church at ephesus begins with the ministry of paul on his second missionary journey, as. Some have taken the absence of the usual personal greetings and the verbal similarity of many parts to colossians, among other reasons, as grounds. Intro to colossians biblica the international bible society. The author is very well suited to discuss the book of ephesians and uses many resources within his text. Author the apostle paul date the letter to the ephesians was written during pauls roman imprisonment between 60 and 62 ad.

This would further seem to suggest, as i have believed, that not only did paul write the book of colossians, but that he wrote colossians before writing the book of ephesians. The book is address by paul to the church at ephesus. Ephesians maps and resources map of the roman empire 14 a. The book of ephesians is a letter from paul to christians at ephesus. Ephesus is mentioned multiple times in the new testament, and the biblical book of ephesians, written around 60 a. Book of ephesians ephesians chapter 1 ephesians chapter 2 ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 4 ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 6. Traditionally, it is believed to have been written by apostle paul while he was in prison in rome around ad 62, but more recently, it has been suggested that it was written between ad 80 and 100 by another writer using pauls name and style. Grace to you and peace from god our father and the lord jesus christ. In the book of ephesians, we see how the gospel story affects believers everyday lives. Ephesians offers general instruction in the truths of gods redemptive work in christ. Paul wrote the letter to the ephesians sometime in ad 6061, around the same time. Feb 16, 2018 its time for another book study on fridays. Abbott, a critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the ephesians and to the colossians, icc, pp.

This letter is one of pauls four imprisonment letters. History of ephesus, history of ephesians, church of ephesus. The fundamental principles of grace and mans responsibility to abide by gods laws are thoroughly revealed in the old testament. Father, son, and spirit are seen in pauls epistle to the ephesians as operating from before the foundation of the world for the redemption of the church. This epistle is addressed to the saints at the church in ephesus, a prosperous port city in the roman province of asia minor. Furthermore, in the book of revelation we find that ephesus is the first one of the seven churches of asia mentioned in a series of churches that gives the entire history of the church. Its authorship has traditionally been attributed to paul the apostle but starting in 1792, this has been challenged as deuteropauline, that is, written in pauls name by a later author strongly influenced by pauls thought, probably by a loyal disciple to sum up pauls teaching and to apply it to a new situation fifteen to twentyfive years after. The city of ephesus was a large commercial port city.

We also learn when we become christians we are not who we used to be and we are filled with new life and have the blessings of gods kindness and eternal gift to us. Church life in 1 st century ephesus was much more organic and less formalistic than that. Some have taken the absence of the usual personal greetings. He realized that christ came to unite himself with man, and unity was the core purpose of the book of ephesians.

Yet, in this little book is divine beauty and power. The author of ephesians claims to be the apostle paul. The ephesians were the residents of ephesus to which paul visited and wrote the book of ephesians too in the form of a letter to the church while in prison in rome. New book study background to the book of ephesians. The city of ephesus was a large commercial port city in asia minor present day turkey located at the. I offer the following commentary and summary for ephesians in this article. Several of the early church writers site the book of ephesians.

To analyze this letter fully, it is important to consider it in conjunction with colossians and in light of the jerusalem council recorded in acts 15. The book of ephesians clearly leaves its mark among other bible books by displaying the powerful impact of the gospel of christ jesus in the individual and corporate life of believers. The apostle paul wrote this letter to the churches in ephesus and the surrounding region c. Book of ephesians overview insight for living ministries. They were to the thessalonians and chiefly centered on jesus return. Aug 23, 2012 furthermore, christianity was not a widely accepted or politically correct religion in the grecoroman empire at the time the letter to the ephesians was written. The epistle to the ephesians, also called the letter to the ephesians and often shortened to ephesians, is the tenth book of the new testament. Reference tools used eerdmans handbook to the bible new bible dictionary the zondervan encyclopedia of the bible 3. Ephesus was the chief city of the coastal area of asia minor. Acts 19, but may have been intended as a circular letter to be read by neighboring churches.

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